Local art pieces at our farm in Welwyn

Our art-filled walls

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We love to support local businesses here at Tewinbury and just one of the ways we do this is through art. After all, there really are some talented artists around Hertfordshire. Working with Common Room Projects, we showcase unique and carefully chosen pieces which you can spot all around our hotel.

Be sure to stop by for a drink at the Stable and see the colourful art-filled walls - some are even specially commissioned just for us. If you're interested in any of the pieces, just ask our team and we'll arrange a meeting with our experts.

You’re invited to join our Art Supper Club!

The conversation will be anything but boring...

Friday 19th July
Tewinbury Farm Hotel

Take a look around

The Stable

Chill here from morning till night.

About us

Our family are proud of our farming roots.

Kingsbridge Picturehouse

Gather your friends for a movie night.